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It would have made a dreadfully ugly child, but it makes rather a handsome pig

Today I would like to write about moments of defeat and injustice that we all experience from time to time. My friend recently lost a roof over her head with a fine on top due to a pesky neighbour and the ruthlessness of bureaucratic machinery. A tarotist that I admire has been feeling under the weather due to ongoing sciatica pain. I have recently felt defeated because the fruits of my labour haven’t been appreciated in the way that I hoped for. In the morning, I came across a comment from a man who has clearly lost many of the safety nets of his previous life and has to start over at his retirement age.

As Tolstoy wrote in the opening line of his Anna Karenina: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ We are all happy when health, love, work, and finances come together, and we are all shattered if any of those pillars crumble.

‘Nothing but a hard reality, where is the magic that you promised to notice, Sonia?’

After several days of tears and worries, I had a dream. I was in the middle of a large field, full of animal manure. No matter where I stepped, I would fall through the dung and urine. At some point, I was almost sucked into this swamp-like formation and gave in. But then I saw a house, a beacon of hope. I braced myself and ploughed through until I came out. Breathlessly, I asked a farmer whether I could wash myself. He amicably nodded and said not to worry, that ‘shit’ happens. And he proceeded to show me how to wash myself. While standing in the shower, I was joined by another fellow who had been through the same. We spoke little, but our eyes expressed mutual understanding.

I woke up with a clear feeling that I was over the situation that almost brought me down to my knees. I got across that proverbial field of existential manure. 

And today, I was reminded of all the other souls that share these human experiences with me. Regardless of their age, sex, gender, their current location, or the root of their suffering. We are not alone.

The magic of this post, ladies and gentlemen, lies in a prophetic dream and a bizarre lesson in optimism.

“It would have made a dreadfully ugly child, but it makes rather a handsome pig,” concluded Alice.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Anna

    Господи, побачити такий сон – я б прокинулась уся в сльозах і прискореним серцебиттям. Не всі сні пам*ятаємо, але такі вражають у саму душу і не забуваються. Добре, що потім після роздумів, приходить заспокоєння і хочеться зрозуміти, що за висновки надіслала нам ноосфера, до чого приготуватися, які кроки маємо навчитися робити і зробити. Хай щастить твоєму товаришу, бо немає бути людини, яка стане безхатьком.

    1. Sonia

      There is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to dreams. It is our unconscious speaking to us in metaphors and symbols. This is exactly what we are trying to do with cards; for example, we are trying to gently coax out the message from our inner selves. Because deep inside, we already have all the answers. 

      I will pass on your heartfelt passages to my friend. However, she is a pretty resourceful lady. She also has an understanding that material equals impermanent.

  2. Irena Newey

    Thank you so much for your kind words, much appreciated. Yes we went through a lot of pain. I feel like moving on and forgetting all the wrong stuff that happened to us, trying to enjoy our life as always. Our freedom is the most important to us, anyway. Thank you for sharing our story.
    Love you 😘😘 You are the most special woman I’ve ever met, Sonička 💐😘🙏 You have my respect as always.

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