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Sample Tarot Reading – One Question


This reading was conducted for a female client who has been in a long-term relationship with her partner. Their relationship could be described as dynamic, with frequent ups and downs. Despite loving feelings for each other, my client often feels insecure regarding her partner and his intentions; therefore, she came to consult Tarot. She is interested in gaining some insights into her relationship in order to make some improvements. Equally, she wishes to peek into a possible future together.

Note: I changed my client’s name to Rose in order to maintain her privacy. Rose gave me her permission to publish this reading.

Rose’s question: Where is our relationship heading?

What is the current energy of the relationship?Knight of Wands
What is the main strength of the relationship?9 of Pentacles
What is the main challenge of the relationship?Death
What is needed in order to improve this relationship?Queen of Swords Rx
What is the future potential of the relationship?The Wheel of Fortune Rx
Oracle cardTruth Be Told
Bottom of the deck7 of Wands Rx


Dear Rose,

First of all, thank you for entrusting me with your Tarot reading. I hope it brings you both insight and reassurance.

I would like to start with an oracle card I drew right at the outset: ‘Truth Be Told’. I see it as a message for both of us. I am to tell you the truth about what I see in the cards, but the truth is also required on your behalf. Being truthful yourself and asking for the truth from others. Acknowledging what is being said, even if you don’t like what you hear.

I see two individuals in this reading—one is depicted as a Knight of Wands, and the other as a Queen of Swords Reversed. Since Tarot is gender neutral, we don’t assign male or female gender to these court cards. In other words, you can be either king or queen, Rose, and the same applies to your partner.

In this specific scenario, I see you as the knight and your partner as the queen. You are more fiery, and he is more cerebral. However, you complement each other well. Both of you are active, regardless of your physical age. You can move around and make things happen swiftly. 

Now, onto your differences.  As the Knight of Wands, you may be physically younger and/ or young at heart, naturally more passionate and adventurous. However, on a bad day, there may be a hint of a hot temper and restlessness in you. In other words, you can light up as easily as a matchstick. On the other hand, as the Queen of Swords, your partner is a mature, intelligent person with a delightful sense of humor. However, he may be prone to emotional detachment, and his words can sometimes be unnecessarily sharp. It is not difficult to imagine sparks flying and quarrels arising between the two of you! While it can be exciting and keep the fire burning in your relationship, it can also be tiresome when either of you seeks peace. Finding ease with each other seems to be your main challenge.

Onto the current situation and what is driving it.

The Seven of Wands Reversed has emerged at the bottom of the deck. Your current conflicts stem from disorganization, Rose. It seems either both of you were pulling for too many strings at once (working on too many projects) or some project or situation has been rushed. In other words, something was overlooked and wasn’t fully completed. And it is now causing you to feel overwhelmed. You may be losing your temper, while your partner may be losing his cool. 

Now, more than ever, you and your partner need to align your efforts and bring closure to this project or situation. 9 of Pentacles requires discipline and completion of the task.

Other than that, I can see that this relationship fosters independence and self-reliance in both partners. Perhaps previous relationships demanded too many sacrifices, eroding your authenticity and individuality. Now, you are in a relationship where you keep each other in check. In other words, it is perfectly fine to have separate bank accounts, pursue different activities on Friday nights, or have occasional disagreements. As long as you can agree on one thing—that it is better to be together than apart.

Turning to the main challenge of the relationship.

Death in Tarot has two distinct interpretations. It can signify either physical death or letting go of something that has run its course.

Given that both of you are enjoying the autumn phase of your lives, we can’t entirely dismiss the first interpretation. Ultimately, losing each other is the biggest challenge that you will have to face one day. And in many ways, you need to live in readiness for this inevitability. To make sure that you can carry on without one another. 

On a lighter note, Death often represents something that needs to be released without fear or remorse, as it obstructs us from new opportunities. Think of old attitudes and habits that no longer serve your best interests. For example, the notion that our partner should handle tasks for us that we should at least participate in or handle independently. And vice versa, the notion that we’ve got something under control when, in fact, we need help and contributions from our partner. The list here could be long. The only way to narrow it down is to keep the communication lines open between you and your partner.

Regrettably, the  Queen of Swords in Reverse signifies defensiveness and rigidity. Mutual suspicion and fixed ideas that block advancement in a relationship. As a result, you end up being trapped in repetitive cycles of unresolved issues. 

I can’t stress enough the importance of honesty in your relationship! Be direct in your speech. Use humor to diffuse anger. Above all, bring clear-headed and unbiased reasoning to the table! Also, you know how some people can’t see the forest for the trees? Maintain perspective! Don’t get bogged down by petty disputes. Remember, you are stronger together than apart. You are, in fact, one team, and you have one goal when solving a problem. Take your different approaches and find common ground. Then use it for your benefit.

The future that cards show assumes no significant changes in the narrative. In simpler terms, that everything will stay the same. Neither one of you will try to change your attitude or communication patterns. In that case, I foresee a period of setbacks, a feeling of being stuck, or a feeling that your relationship and life in general are spinning out of control yet again. 

There are two messages here for you, Rose. First, there is nothing new under the sun. What lies ahead often echoes the past. So, in a way, you possess a reasonable degree of resilience towards these relationship or life setbacks. I think you are already capable of seeing certain patterns, in fact. And two, while certain situations may be beyond your control, you can address others proactively. Embrace the opportunity to discard old attitudes and expectations and learn to resolve conflicts calmly through active listening, respect, and compromise.

Allow me to part using the Serenity Prayer: 

‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’

All the best to you, my friend!

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